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public protocol ApolloErrorInterceptor

An error interceptor called to allow further examination of error data when an error occurs in the chain.



func handleErrorAsync<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
    error: Error,
    chain: RequestChain,
    request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
    response: HTTPResponse<Operation>?,
    completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Asynchronously handles the receipt of an error at any point in the chain.

  • Parameters:

    • error: The received error
    • chain: The chain the error was received on
    • request: The request, as far as it was constructed
    • response: [optional] The response, if one was received
    • completion: The completion closure to fire when the operation has completed. Note that if you call retry on the chain, you will not want to call the completion block in this method.


errorThe received error
chainThe chain the error was received on
requestThe request, as far as it was constructed
response[optional] The response, if one was received
completionThe completion closure to fire when the operation has completed. Note that if you call retry on the chain, you will not want to call the completion block in this method.
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