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public protocol UploadingNetworkTransport: NetworkTransport

A network transport which can also handle uploads of files.



func upload<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  operation: Operation,
  files: [GraphQLFile],
  callbackQueue: DispatchQueue,
  completionHandler: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>,Error>) -> Void) -> Cancellable

Uploads the given files with the given operation.

  • Parameters:

    • operation: The operation to send
    • files: An array of GraphQLFile objects to send.
    • callbackQueue: The queue to call back on with the results. Should default to .main.
    • completionHandler: The completion handler to execute when the request completes or errors
  • Returns: An object that can be used to cancel an in progress request.


operationThe operation to send
filesAn array of GraphQLFile objects to send.
callbackQueueThe queue to call back on with the results. Should default to .main.
completionHandlerThe completion handler to execute when the request completes or errors
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