Launch Apollo Studio



public class ApolloCodegen

A class to facilitate running code generation



public static func run(from folder: URL,
                       with cliFolderURL: URL,
                       options: ApolloCodegenOptions) throws -> String

Runs code generation from the given folder with the passed-in options

  • Parameters:

    • folder: The folder to run the script from. Should be the folder that at some depth, contains all .graphql files.
    • cliFolderURL: The folder where the Apollo CLI is/should be downloaded.
    • options: The options object to use to run the code generation.
  • Returns: Output from a successful run


folderThe folder to run the script from. Should be the folder that at some depth, contains all .graphql files.
cliFolderURLThe folder where the Apollo CLI is/should be downloaded.
optionsThe options object to use to run the code generation.
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