Launch Apollo Studio



public struct ApolloSchemaOptions

Options for running the Apollo Schema Downloader.



public init(schemaFileName: String = "schema",
            schemaFileType: SchemaFileType = .json,
            apiKey: String? = nil,
            endpointURL: URL,
            headers: [String] = [],
            outputFolderURL: URL,
            downloadTimeout: Double = 30.0)

Designated Initializer

  • Parameters:

    • schemaFileName: The name, without an extension, for your schema file. Defaults to "schema"
    • schemaFileType: The SchemaFileType to download the schema as. Defaults to .json.
    • apiKey: [optional] The API key to use when retrieving your schema. Defaults to nil.
    • endpointURL: The endpoint to hit to download your schema.
    • headers: [optional] Any additional headers to include when retrieving your schema. Defaults to nil
    • outputFolderURL: The URL of the folder in which the downloaded schema should be written
  • downloadTimeout: The maximum time to wait before indicating that the download timed out, in seconds. Defaults to 30 seconds.


schemaFileNameThe name, without an extension, for your schema file. Defaults to "schema"
schemaFileTypeThe SchemaFileType to download the schema as. Defaults to .json.
apiKey[optional] The API key to use when retrieving your schema. Defaults to nil.
endpointURLThe endpoint to hit to download your schema.
headers[optional] Any additional headers to include when retrieving your schema. Defaults to nil
outputFolderURLThe URL of the folder in which the downloaded schema should be written
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