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public class WebSocketTransport

A network transport that uses web sockets requests to send GraphQL subscription operations to a server, and that uses the Starscream implementation of web sockets.



public weak var delegate: WebSocketTransportDelegate?


public var clientName: String

NOTE: Setting this won't override immediately if the socket is still connected, only on reconnection.


public var clientVersion: String

NOTE: Setting this won't override immediately if the socket is still connected, only on reconnection.


public var security: SSLTrustValidator?


public var enableSOCKSProxy: Bool

Determines whether a SOCKS proxy is enabled on the underlying request. Mostly useful for debugging with tools like Charles Proxy. Note: Will return false from the getter and no-op the setter for implementations that do not conform to SOCKSProxyable.



public init(request: URLRequest,
            clientName: String = WebSocketTransport.defaultClientName,
            clientVersion: String = WebSocketTransport.defaultClientVersion,
            sendOperationIdentifiers: Bool = false,
            reconnect: Bool = true,
            reconnectionInterval: TimeInterval = 0.5,
            allowSendingDuplicates: Bool = true,
            connectingPayload: GraphQLMap? = [:],
            requestBodyCreator: RequestBodyCreator = ApolloRequestBodyCreator())

Designated initializer

  • Parameter request: The connection URLRequest
  • Parameter clientName: The client name to use for this client. Defaults to Self.defaultClientName
  • Parameter clientVersion: The client version to use for this client. Defaults to Self.defaultClientVersion.
  • Parameter sendOperationIdentifiers: Whether or not to send operation identifiers with operations. Defaults to false.
  • Parameter reconnect: Whether to auto reconnect when websocket looses connection. Defaults to true.
  • Parameter reconnectionInterval: How long to wait before attempting to reconnect. Defaults to half a second.
  • Parameter allowSendingDuplicates: Allow sending duplicate messages. Important when reconnected. Defaults to true.
  • Parameter connectingPayload: [optional] The payload to send on connection. Defaults to an empty GraphQLMap.
  • Parameter requestBodyCreator: The RequestBodyCreator to use when serializing requests. Defaults to an ApolloRequestBodyCreator.


requestThe connection URLRequest
clientNameThe client name to use for this client. Defaults to Self.defaultClientName
clientVersionThe client version to use for this client. Defaults to Self.defaultClientVersion.
sendOperationIdentifiersWhether or not to send operation identifiers with operations. Defaults to false.
reconnectWhether to auto reconnect when websocket looses connection. Defaults to true.
reconnectionIntervalHow long to wait before attempting to reconnect. Defaults to half a second.
allowSendingDuplicatesAllow sending duplicate messages. Important when reconnected. Defaults to true.
connectingPayload[optional] The payload to send on connection. Defaults to an empty GraphQLMap.
requestBodyCreatorThe RequestBodyCreator to use when serializing requests. Defaults to an ApolloRequestBodyCreator.


public func isConnected() -> Bool


public func ping(data: Data, completionHandler: (() -> Void)? = nil)


public func initServer()


public func closeConnection()




public func unsubscribe(_ subscriptionId: String)


public func updateHeaderValues(_ values: [String: String?])


public func updateConnectingPayload(_ payload: GraphQLMap)


public func pauseWebSocketConnection()

Disconnects the websocket while setting the auto-reconnect value to false, allowing purposeful disconnects that do not dump existing subscriptions. NOTE: You will receive an error on the subscription (should be a Starscream.WSError with code 1000) when the socket disconnects. ALSO NOTE: To reconnect after calling this, you will need to call resumeWebSocketConnection.


public func resumeWebSocketConnection(autoReconnect: Bool = true)

Reconnects a paused web socket.

  • Parameter autoReconnect: true if you want the websocket to automatically reconnect if the connection drops. Defaults to true.


autoReconnecttrue if you want the websocket to automatically reconnect if the connection drops. Defaults to true.
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