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open class HTTPRequest<Operation: GraphQLOperation>

Encapsulation of all information about a request before it hits the network



open var graphQLEndpoint: URL

The endpoint to make a GraphQL request to


open var operation: Operation

The GraphQL Operation to execute


open var additionalHeaders: [String: String]

Any additional headers you wish to add by default to this request


public let cachePolicy: CachePolicy

The CachePolicy to use for this request.


public let contextIdentifier: UUID?

[optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers.



public init(graphQLEndpoint: URL,
            operation: Operation,
            contextIdentifier: UUID? = nil,
            contentType: String,
            clientName: String,
            clientVersion: String,
            additionalHeaders: [String: String],
            cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .default)

Designated Initializer

  • Parameters:

    • graphQLEndpoint: The endpoint to make a GraphQL request to
    • operation: The GraphQL Operation to execute
    • contextIdentifier: [optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Defaults to nil.
    • contentType: The Content-Type header's value. Should usually be set for you by a subclass.
    • clientName: The name of the client to send with the "apollographql-client-name" header
    • clientVersion: The version of the client to send with the "apollographql-client-version" header
    • additionalHeaders: Any additional headers you wish to add by default to this request.
    • cachePolicy: The CachePolicy to use for this request. Defaults to the .default policy


graphQLEndpointThe endpoint to make a GraphQL request to
operationThe GraphQL Operation to execute
contextIdentifier[optional] A unique identifier for this request, to help with deduping cache hits for watchers. Defaults to nil.
contentTypeThe Content-Type header’s value. Should usually be set for you by a subclass.
clientNameThe name of the client to send with the "apollographql-client-name" header
clientVersionThe version of the client to send with the "apollographql-client-version" header
additionalHeadersAny additional headers you wish to add by default to this request.
cachePolicyThe CachePolicy to use for this request. Defaults to the .default policy


open func addHeader(name: String, value: String)


open func updateContentType(to contentType: String)


open func toURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest

Converts this object to a fully fleshed-out URLRequest

  • Throws: Any error in creating the request
  • Returns: The URL request, ready to send to your server.
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