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public class RequestChain: Cancellable

A chain that allows a single network request to be created and executed.



public var isNotCancelled: Bool

Checks the underlying value of isCancelled. Set up like this for better readability in guard statements


public var additionalErrorHandler: ApolloErrorInterceptor?

Something which allows additional error handling to occur when some kind of error has happened.



public init(interceptors: [ApolloInterceptor],
            callbackQueue: DispatchQueue = .main)

Creates a chain with the given interceptor array.

  • Parameters:

    • interceptors: The array of interceptors to use.
    • callbackQueue: The DispatchQueue to call back on when an error or result occurs. Defauls to .main.


interceptorsThe array of interceptors to use.
callbackQueueThe DispatchQueue to call back on when an error or result occurs. Defauls to .main.


public func kickoff<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
  completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Kicks off the request from the beginning of the interceptor array.

  • Parameters:

    • request: The request to send.
    • completion: The completion closure to call when the request has completed.


requestThe request to send.
completionThe completion closure to call when the request has completed.


public func proceedAsync<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
  response: HTTPResponse<Operation>?,
  completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Proceeds to the next interceptor in the array.

  • Parameters:

    • request: The in-progress request object
    • response: [optional] The in-progress response object, if received yet
    • completion: The completion closure to call when data has been processed and should be returned to the UI.


requestThe in-progress request object
response[optional] The in-progress response object, if received yet
completionThe completion closure to call when data has been processed and should be returned to the UI.


public func cancel()

Cancels the entire chain of interceptors.


public func retry<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
  completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Restarts the request starting from the first inteceptor.

  • Parameters:

    • request: The request to retry
    • completion: The completion closure to call when the request has completed.


requestThe request to retry
completionThe completion closure to call when the request has completed.


public func handleErrorAsync<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  _ error: Error,
  request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
  response: HTTPResponse<Operation>?,
  completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Handles the error by returning it on the appropriate queue, or by applying an additional error interceptor if one has been provided.

  • Parameters:

    • error: The error to handle
    • request: The request, as far as it has been constructed.
    • response: The response, as far as it has been constructed.
    • completion: The completion closure to call when work is complete.


errorThe error to handle
requestThe request, as far as it has been constructed.
responseThe response, as far as it has been constructed.
completionThe completion closure to call when work is complete.


public func returnValueAsync<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  for request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
  value: GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>,
  completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Handles a resulting value by returning it on the appropriate queue.

  • Parameters:

    • request: The request, as far as it has been constructed.
    • value: The value to be returned
    • completion: The completion closure to call when work is complete.


requestThe request, as far as it has been constructed.
valueThe value to be returned
completionThe completion closure to call when work is complete.
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