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public protocol ApolloInterceptor: class

A protocol to set up a chainable unit of networking work.



func interceptAsync<Operation: GraphQLOperation>(
  chain: RequestChain,
  request: HTTPRequest<Operation>,
  response: HTTPResponse<Operation>?,
  completion: @escaping (Result<GraphQLResult<Operation.Data>, Error>) -> Void)

Called when this interceptor should do its work.

  • Parameters:

    • chain: The chain the interceptor is a part of.
    • request: The request, as far as it has been constructed
    • response: [optional] The response, if received
    • completion: The completion block to fire when data needs to be returned to the UI.


chainThe chain the interceptor is a part of.
requestThe request, as far as it has been constructed
response[optional] The response, if received
completionThe completion block to fire when data needs to be returned to the UI.
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